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AQA English Language: Speaking and Listening PLCs

Pass Merit Distinction These three main stages in the Speaking and Listening marking criteria are quite different. As a result, I'v...

Friday 14 February 2014

End of Term 3 target setting sheet

End of term reflections!

I decided to create a target setting sheet for  my Key Stage 3 and 4 English classes. I wrote a list of WWW and EBI comments for general reading and writing skills. It's more important to remind our students to question HOW they intend to achieve their targets instead of just identifying their areas for improvement. As a result, I've set up a list of strategies for my students to choose from in regards to how they intend to reach their personal reading and writing targets.

Students simply have to highlight two areas of strength and two areas for improvement from the writing and reading lists. Furthermore, they're also encouraged to re-read their highlighted targets and to summarise them into their own words in the last page of the document.

My students have reacted very well to the sheets as they recognised that there are several ways to revise for English - breaking down the shocking myth that "you can't revise for English!".

Follow the link below for the target setting sheet! :)
