Wednesday 3 December 2014


Dirt stands for:
  • Directed/dedicated 
  • Improvement/Independent
  • Reflection 
  • Time
We very much value our students completing their D.I.R.T work (as a result of good marking).

However,there's another area we could improve on:

The marking of our students' D.I.R.T responses.

 I believe that it's important to promote student self-reflection and peer assessment as it goes along with the cherished motto of: brain, book, buddy and boss.

As a result, I've created a D.I.R.T marking sticker/hand-out for my students. It's still in its draft stage and I intend to gather feedback on how best to adapt it for my students' learning.

It's a D.I.R.T Check up:

It encourages the student to evaluate their D.I.R.T effort and level of understanding for the D.I.R.T task as some students don't actually understand what the D.I.R.T task is or how completion of the DIRT would develop their learning. By ensuring that the students are able to answer the why questions (what's the point of completing this D.I.R.T task?) we're one step closer towards a higher standard of progress.

Feel free to download your own copy, of the D.I.R.T check up, here!